Spectral Imaging

        We aim to develop the commercial integrated imaging spectrometer remote sensing system. The research interests focus on the remote sensing imaging principle and the hardware/software integration method. Such as UAV based, ground based, and portable based imaging spectrometer system, such as light weight airborne hyperspectral remote sensing system, field imaging spectrometer system (HyScan-VNIR and SWIR), core drill imaging spectrometer system(HyCore), imaging micro-spectrometer system, cultural relic hyperspectral imaging system (HyPerspectral Analysis expert on Cultural relics HyPAC) and series light weight airborne remote sensing payload etc.



           Taixia Wu, Hongming Zhang, Peng Zhang, Bo Peng, Xinlei Guo, Jie Chen, Mingyuan Peng

Research Projects:

        1. Beijing Science and Technology Program:10Kg class UAV infrared three-dimensional imaging system for emergency monitoring,2015-2016.

          2. Ministry of Land and Resources: key technology and equipment development for spectrum of satellite-airborne-ground integration,2011-2015.

          3. The state 863 program: High-precision payload in-orbit performance and data quality testing and evaluation technologies,2011-2015.

          4. National Natural Science Fund of China for Young Scholars: The mechanism of land-atmosphere polarization effect separation using the atmosphere neutral point,2012-2014.

          5. National Natural Science Fund of China: Theory and Equipment of full-polarization hyperspectral remote sensing measurement based on interference imaging technology,2012-2015.

          6. State Science and Technology Support Program: Small Satellite intelligent control and transmission,2011-2013.

          7. Chinese Academy of Sciences:Testing Application of using TG-1 hyperspectral data for Mineral Oil and Gas Resources Exploration,2011-2013.

          8. Youth Foundation in Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences:Hyperspectral polarization measurements and imaging system reform and inverse model research,2011-2012.

          9. The Palace Museum: Cultural relic multimode automatic hyperspectral imaging scan platform developed,2015-2016.





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